Testing Training Institute in Madhapur Hyderabad

Lucid IT Training is an institution that provides professional education in an increasingly sophisticated and competitive world for individuals pursuing career growth. We strive to encourage excellence in both academic training and providing the best course Testing Training institute in Hyderabad.

This course is intended for beginners who want to pursue software testing in their career. This course will contain all the ideas used in software testing so that the person participating in the course receives the necessary abilities and expertise from the software testing point of perspective. After completing the course, a Certificate of Completion will be issued, and no preconditions are required for the course.

Software testing is the most popular course available at Lucid IT Training, and it is the high standard method of defining a system or program characteristics and parameters according to the given requirement and analyzing whether or not it produces required results. Also useful in discovering bugs in software programs and associated projects are software programming.

There are different types of testing, such as manual, automation, and performance, each with its own market identity. It is more difficult to test than to develop just that you need to acquire some special testing skills like some extra certifications that add to your career path with our training institute.

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    Lucid IT Training Testing Course Institute in Hyderabad


    1. Java Introduction
      1. Java Installation (Path Settings) and Uninstallation
      2. First Program Execution using Notepad
      3. Eclipse IDE Installation
      4. First Program Execution using Eclipse IDE
    2. Naming Conventions and Data Types
      1. Naming Conventions
      2. Escape characters
      3. Difference between print() and println() methods
      4. Data Types in Java:

    byte, short, char, int, long, float, double, boolean and String.

    • Operators in Java
      1. Arithmetic Operators
      2. String concatenation operator
      3. Unary Operators
      4. Assignment Operators
      5. Relational Operators
      6. Logical Operators
      7. Boolean Operators
      8. Bitwise Operators
      9. Ternary Operator or Conditional Operator
    • Cast Operator
    1. new Operator
    2. Member operator (dot)
    1. Control Statements
      1. If…..else statement
      2. Do….while loop
      3. While loop
      4. For loop , Nested for loop
      5. For-each loop
      6. Switch statement
      7. break statement
      8. continue statement
      9. return statement




    1. Input and Output
      1. Reading Input from the Keyboard using BufferedReader
    • Accepting String from the Keyboard
    • Accepting Int,long,byte,short from the Keyboard
    • Accepting float, double, boolean from the Keyboard
    • Accepting char from the Keyboard
    • Accepting different types of Inputs in a Line using StringTokenizer
      1. Reading Input from the Keyboard using Scanner.
    1. Arrays
      1. Types of Arrays
    • Single-Dimensional Arrays
    • Multi-Dimensional Arrays
      1. length
      2. How to call Main method from another class.
      3. Command Line Arguments.
    • Strings
      1. Creating Strings
      2. String class Methods
      3. Difference between == and equals() method
      4. String Constant Pool
      5. Immutability of Strings
    • StringBuffer and StringBuilder
      1. Creating StringBuffers
      2. StringBuffer class Methods
      3. Creating StringBuilders
      4. StringBuilder class Methods
      5. Difference between StringBuffer and StringBuilder
    1. Introduction to OOPS
      1. What is Procedure Oriented and Object Oriented
      2. Problems in Procedure Oriented Approach
      3. Features of OOPS (Object Oriented Programming Systems)
    • Class/Object
    • Encapsulation
    • Abstraction
    • Inheritance
    • Polymorphism



    1. Initializing the Instance Variables
      1. Default values store in Instance variables.
      2. By using object initializing the instance variables.
      3. By using = initializing the instance variables.
      4. Hiding the inner implementation (Encapsulation) using private Access Modifiers.
      5. Constructors
    • By using default constructor initializing the instance variables.
    • By using parameterized constructor initializing the instance variables.
      1. Difference between Default Constructor and Parameterized Constructor
      2. Difference between Constructors and Methods
    1. Methods in Java
      1. Method Header or Method Prototype
      2. Method Return Type
      3. Instance Methods
    • a.p for a method without parameters and without return type
    • a.p for a method without parameters and with return type
    • a.p for a method with parameters and with return type
      1. Static Method
      2. Static block
      3. Difference between instance method and static method
      4. Difference between instance variable and static variable.
      5. This keyword
      6. Passing arrays to methods
      7. Passing objects to methods
    • Inheritance
      1. What is Inheritance and sample program
      2. What is advantage of Inheritance
      3. Super keyword
      4. Default constructor behaviour in Inheritance
      5. Parameterized constructor behaviour in Inheritance.
      6. StringBuilder class Methods
      7. Difference between StringBuffer and StringBuilder





    • Access Specifiers
      1. Public
      2. private
      3. protected
      4. default


    • Polymorphism
      1. Polymorphism with Variables
      2. Polymorphism using methods
    • Dynamic Polymorphism
    • Static Polymorphism
      1. What is method overloading and Method overriding
      2. Difference between Method overloading and Method overriding
      3. StringBuilder class Methods
      4. Difference between StringBuffer and StringBuilder
      5. Final keyword
    1. TypeCasting
      1. Casting Primitive data types
      2. Casting Reference data types
    • Abstract and Interface
      1. What is abstract class
      2. What is abstract method
      3. What is an interface
      4. Multiple Inheritance using Interface
      5. Difference between abstract and Interface
    • Exception Handling
      1. Errors in Java Program
      2. Exceptions in Java Program
    • Checked Exceptions
    • Unchecked Exceptions
      1. Difference between Error and Exception
      2. Handling Exceptions using try and catch
      3. Handling Multiple Exceptions
      4. Finally block
      5. Throws clause
      6. Throw clause





    • Collections
      1. Using an Array to Store a group of objects
      2. Dis-advantages of store group of objects into Arrays
      3. What is collection objects
    • Sets, Lists, Queues and Maps
      1. Retrieving elements from Collections
    • For-each loop
    • Iterator
    • ListIterator
    • Enumeration
      1. Set
    • HashSet class methods
    • LinkedHashSet class methods
    • TreeSet class methods
      1. List
    • Stack class methods
    • LinkedList class methods
    • ArrayList class methods
    • Vector Class methods
      1. Map
    • HashMap and HashTable class Methods
      1. Difference between Set and List
      2. Difference between ArrayList and Vector
      3. Difference between HashMap and HashTable
    • Thread/MultiThreading
    1. Enums
    • JDBC
      1. Stages in a JDBC Program
    • Registering the driver
    • Connecting to a database
    • Preparing SQL statements
    • Execute the SQL statements on the database using execute(), executeQuery() and execueUpdate() method of Statement Interface
    • Retrieving the results
    • Closing the connection
      1. a.p for connect to database and retrieve information from db and close the connection.

    Selenium - Basics

    1. Selenium IDE
      1. Installing Selenium IDE
      2. How to record script form Selenium IDE
      3. Building Test cases using Selenium IDE
      4. Converting Selenium IDE test to programming language (JAVA)
    2. Selenium WebDriver
      1. Selenium installation in Eclipse
      2. Selenium First Prog in Firefox, Chrome, IE, Edge.
      3. What is WebDriver and FirefoxDriver/ChromeDriver
      4. Selenium WebDriver API Methods
      5. Selenium WebElement API Methods
      6. Browser Navigation Methods
      7. Difference between driver.close() and driver.quit()
      8. Difference between driver.findElement() and driver.findElements()
    • Automating Operations on various Elements
      1. Locators in Selenium
      2. Indepth XPath Axes - Methods
      3. How to handle –

       Textbox – sendKeys(“..”),

       button, checkbox, radio button,link,imglink,submit:  click();

    1. How to handle –

    Single select dropdown ( tag and nonselect html tag)

    Listbox dropdown.

    1. How to handle – Static WebTables, Dynamic WebTables, Calendar.
    2. How to handle – Scroll down and Scroll up of browser/Element.

     Handling Switch

      1. How to handle - alerts/Popup
      2. How to handle - Frames
      3. How to handle – Windows, tabs (Multiple Windows)
    1. Automating Keyboard and Mouse Events
      1. KeyBoard Events
      2. Drag & Drop Actions
      3. Mouse Hover Action
      4. RightClick & Double Click
    1. Handling Waits - Synchronization
      1. Difference between implicit Wait and ExplictWait
      2. Different ExpectedConditions in ExplictWait.


    • Automating Windows based popup
      1. Sikuli
      2. AutoIT
    • Robot Class
      1. What is Robot Class?
      2. Keyboard Events in Robot Class
      3. Mouse Events in Robot Class
    1. Assert & Verify
    2. Different Types of Exceptions in Selenium.
    3. StaleElementReferenceException 

    Selenium – Advanced

    1. How to read TestData
      1. How to read TestData using Notepad.
      2. How to read TestData from JSON, XML and Excel.
    • Maven
      1. What is Maven and Maven Life Cycle.
      2. What is GroupID and ArtifactID
      3. Creating Maven Project
      4. Importing Maven Project into Eclipse
      5. What is POM.xml?
      6. Adding Dependencies to POM.xml0
    • TestNG
      1. TestNG Introduction
      2. Install TestNG
      3. First Test Case with TestNG
      4. TestNG Test Suite
      5. Annotations, Groups & DependOn
      6. Test Cases Prioritizing & Sequencing
      7. TestNG Parameters & Data Provider
      8. Multi Browser & Parallel Testing
      9. TestNG Listeners
    • Page Object Model
    1. Reports
      1. How to Take Screenshot (default screenshot, Ashot API screenshot)
      2. TestNG Reports
      3. Extent Reports
    • GIT
    • Jenkins
    • Frameworks
      1. DataDrivenFramework – TestData read
      2. TestDrivenFramework - TestNG Annotations
      3. POM framework -
      4. Hybrid framework.